The fascist Modi regime in India is implementing aggressive policies against all resisting forces, especially against the actions of the working peasants. The Modi regime, exposed to the anger of the people of India due to its economic policies on one hand and its attitude that left workers and laborers to die in the face of the pandemic on the other hand is seeking the remedy in the purge attacks it launched against the insurgent forces. He tried to polarize the society in the face of the actions of the working peasantry, which started last year and continues with several achievements today.
By fueling Indian racism, he followed a crass policy against dozens of different peoples and beliefs living in the country. He tried to divert the attention of the oppressed from the main issues of struggle by entering into border conflicts with China, intensifying the existing situation in the Kashmir region. But he didn’t succeed. Under these conditions, in parallel with the actions of the working class and the laboring peasantry in general, revolutionary and struggling forces such as the CPI (M) gathered and gather, establishing new ties with the masses, reorganizing its influence among the working-peasant masses, expanded its fields of action and activity to 7 regions, India’s fascist Modi led the regime to engage in borderless attacks. Just like the “precipitation plan” prepared by the fascist chief regime in Turkey against the PKK and the Kurdish people, the fascist Modi regime implemented a plan aimed at the physical destruction of revolutionaries, including genocidal massacres, in the “Maoist movement areas” called “Prahar-3” in September.
Attacks that we are familiar with, such as the murder of children, the destruction of martyrdom monuments, violent attacks on guerrilla forces with an army of specially trained murderers, and the killing or capturing focused on individual CPI (M) leadership members intensified. On November 3, 27 guerrillas were brutally murdered. On November 11, 2021, two central committee members, Kisan Da (76) and Sheela Marandi (60) were arrested along with other comrades. In the statements made, it is known that Kisan Da was arrested while she was being treated for various diseases, and Sheela Marandi had serious health problems due to long captivity. Under the fascist Modi regime, where isolation and torture is often severely applied against the insurgent forces, the practices of psychological and physical extermination against all revolutionary prisoners is also evident in the reports of various human rights organizations.
As AvEG-Kon, we believe that solidarity is the grace of the oppressed. For this reason, we consider it our fundamental duty to be in international solidarity with the forces fighting for freedom against fascism in different countries, especially with the political prisoners who were imprisoned as a result of their struggle, to expose the attacks they face, human rights violations, isolation and torture, and to fight for an end of these inhuman practices. For this reason, all revolutionary, democratic and progressive individuals and institutions, trade unions, organizations and parties must take action against the aggression of the fascist Modi regime against the resisting forces in India; We call to raise demands for Kisan Da and Sheela Marandi to be released due to illness and age, to be kept under the supervision of specialist doctors while in captivity and to improve prison conditions for all political prisoners in India. Long live international solidarity! Give Kisan Da and Sheela Marandi the treatment they need! End Fascist Practices in Indian Prisons!
European Confederation of Oppressed Immigrants